
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Husband will always say yes, yes to you: Test it!

Ubqari Magazine - November 2018

Prophetic Prescription for Measles:

I read in a book that a person got measles he happened to see Holy Prophet in his dreams. He described his disease to them. He was advised he should take a little grapes vinegar, pure honey and olive oil. Mix them all and apply on the whole body he did the same and became healthy with the blessings of Allah (جل جلالہ).

 The Method of Preparing Spiritual Olive Oil:

Pour olive oil in a clean pot and keep stirring with something, recite last verses of Surah Toobah, last 4 verses of Surah Hashar then Surah Ikhlas and last two Surahs of Holy Quran and blow on oil. The spiritual curing oil se ready. Applying it on whole body can also cure all diseases if somebody has body ache he can apply this oil and sit in sunlight for sometimes this oil can be applied on the area with pain along with placing mustagee and kalonji on that point. (Reference, deeni dastarkhawan; Volume I)

Affective Spiritual Treatment of High Blood Pressure:

This brief Darood Pak (1) recite hundred times than recite five hundred (2) Recite the above mentioned Darood (1) again. Repeat this act forty days continuously. It can be done anytime. If it is performed after fajr prayer it, is more effective. If you follow this practice its spiritual effectiveness will help you get rid of all medicines.

(1)   اللھم صل علی سیدنا و مولینا محمد و علی الہ وسلم

(2)   لا حول ولا قوۃ الا باللہ

 The Effect of Word “ALLAH “

Psychiatrist wander hoven from Holland reported in his research that studying Holy Quran and reciting the word (اللہ) repeatedly have dual affections on a common person. The said professor has been experimenting on patients for three years. Most of these patients were non-muslims they were trained to speak the word “اللہ” clearly. The patients experienced an extra ordinary effect especially those who were depressed and frustrated. Baudia daily newspaper writes that those who recite Holy Quran daily they remain safe from psychological disease. Wander hoven further reported in research that the first letter of “ للہ “  is uttered from the respiratory system and keep the breathing in control and pronouncing the letter “ ل “ requires that tongue touches the pallet slightly, remains paused for sometimes and perform this act correctly, repeatedly and breathe, and continue this act with these pause releases the tension. He further said, that saying last letter of word Allah “ ہ “  connects  lungs and heart and this connection controls heartbeats.

The Practice to Make Husband Pleasing:

If a husband is irritated and treats you immorally, recite “ یا باسط “ 300 times blow on water or food and serve him, repeat this act for three days. With the will of Allah husband will always treat you pleasantly. ( Reference, Authentic Wazaif of Salheen Page no.35)

For The Issue of Marriage Proposals:

Write Surah Ahzab on the paper, fold it and close it in a small box such homes where are daughters who are able to get married and parents are worried about their marriage its presence will be In Sha Allah source of Barakah and source of inviting proposals of marriage (Reference, Jamia Wazaif. Page no. 548)

For The Weakness and Protection of Eyes:

Keep pure surma at home use it yourself and advice your children to apply it as an act of Sunnah. As Sunnah Surma is enough to increase the light of your eyes. However, you can an additional thing to increase its effectiveness. Take a clove with its head recite the fifth Raku of Surah Noor fromاللہ نور السموات و الارض    till  اللہ لہ نور فما لہ من نور For one time and 21 times verse 22 of surah Qaf (3) time blow on clove and keep it in the pot of surma. All family members should use surma from this pot, take off this clove after one month and repeat the same act on the other clove and put it in the pot. Insha Allah this act will not only save eyes from disease but also will free you from need of Glasses for weak eyesight. Strong belief and regular application is must for result.

3) فکشفنا عنک غطاءک فبصرک الیوم حدید 

Evil Eye Treatment:

If somebody has a doubt of evil eye for him or herself or children he or she should write, “ یا حفیظ “ 11 times on a paper and make Taweez and hang it in the neck. In sha Allah they will never be effected by evil eye.

(Refernce, Wazaif e Zojain. Page no.78)


If you have hiccups, you need to hold your breath for one minute if possible recite Allah by heart. In sha Allah hiccups will stop.

To Cure The Dysentery:

Fry any seed in organic ghee and grind it, mix sugar in it. Take ten grams in morning and evening. If you add Beilgiri in it in equal weight it will become more effective for the set purpose.

Granted Treatment for Sugar:

Hoashaafi, meethi (seed of fenugreek), Kalonji, nagarmootha seed of karanj (cyperusrotudus), take all in equal weight and grind them. Use ten gram of this powder in the morning and evening with water.

Spiritual Treatment of Sugar:

Recite three times verse no.80 of Surah Bani Israil. With three times darood shareef in the beginning and ending, blow over water and drink it.

Spiritually Tried Treatment of Recurrent Fever:

Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalm-o-Alaikum, an act is offered to be performed continued charity. If a human being has fever repeatedly during the day and night. The temperature does not get lowered, he should do as follows:

Do ablution take seven pieces of white thread and make a cord. Recite Darood Shareef one time in the beginning, Recite complete Bismillah start reciting Surah Waduha in such a way that you stop at every “ Kaf “ in the every verse and make a knot on the cord. Hence, there will be nine knots. On the completion of Recitation of this Surah then recite the complete Surah at end and blow over cord. Hang this cord in the neck of the patient when the fever is gone, bury this cord in the soil or throw it in the clean running water. Allah will definitely give health with the Barakah of this Surah. Do it with strong faith. Say your prayers regularly. (Abdul Majeed) 

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